The Change (Job)

By Tshering Chekii - April 06, 2019

Picture: Google

I snuggle in a blanket, a book in hand but barely reading. I struggle to read and give up to my straining eyes and distractions.  I was a voracious reader then; reading was something I greatly enjoyed. During schooldays I used to stay whole night reading under a torchlight, hiding novel under table and reading during evening prayer time, I read almost all the short stories, poems or essays in English textbook before teacher taught in the class. I used to make a mental note of differences of what I grasped before and after teacher explained. I didn’t perform exceptionally well but I did okay, more than scoring big, I enjoyed. Note it, I enjoyed and now I closed the book because I can’t focus and didn’t enjoy reading at the moment. I might mechanically read but essence of words and messages it has refuse to seep in. The simple verb ‘enjoy’ has made me chase a wild goose.

I believe ‘doing what you love or loving what you do.’ The life can be hard and choices even harder but why cry and die every day doing you hate the most? It is ok to be little selfish and choose your happiness above others. You don’t have to kill your dreams every time to fulfill other’s goals. Don’t put everything at stake for a job that will replace you tomorrow if you die today. That doesn’t mean you stop working, you have to give your best effort for the amount you are paid at the end a month. Work but learn to enjoy and love your work. If it seems impossible, be brave enough to walk away. It is not always easy but you have to do the best for yourself. Four years three jobs, people question my loyalty and they think I am fickle. Come on, you live once and if you are complaining and whining every day, you ought to change something; either it is your mentality or environment. I don’t settle for less; I chose to pamper myself with happiness and love.  

The recent job I left because I was becoming complacent like everyone. I didn’t see growth in myself and most importantly I didn’t enjoy the work. I didn’t just walk away because I didn’t enjoy the work. I tried and gave my best effort in past two years. I have worked really hard in fact like a donkey but somewhere, something was pulling me back instead to pushing forward. Day by day, I started to sulk in and was drowning in frustration which were leading me to anxiety. I reached dead-end of my part there, even if I stayed, I lost all hope of bouncing back from the pit I was thrown to. I was in a dilemma whether to stick around to rot or walk away to save myself.

At this critical juncture of my career, my father stood like a solid rock pillar letting me know that he has my back even if I fall. I owe him big for this, had it not been for his continual support, I might be still there; cursing and dying every second. He gave me the freedom to walk free and choose what I want. I feel lucky and grateful.

And I wonder, if I didn’t have liberty to choose my happiness, would I be still there? That’s so unlikely me, my heart might have caused riot for suppressing it. Change for good, change for yourself. Everyone deserve the best, go for it, folks!


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