20 Things About Me :)

By Tshering Chekii - September 06, 2014

20 things about me J Nothing good nothing bad, original me.

1. I laugh really loud.
2. I maintain personal diary. *Writing soothes me*.
3. I can’t sleep with lights on and noise around.
4. I sleep like a log and it’s hard to wake me up.
5. I give 100% in friendship. Friends are most beautiful gift I got.
6. I do things haphazardly. I do things at last moment.
7. I get nervous easily and start blurting up nonsense.
8. I am fond of teasing and pulling legs of friends.
9. I love reading books (once upon a time my ambition was Librarian).
10. Mistakes are my teacher. I make lots of mistakes.
11. I am funny most of the time.
12. Family is my first priority.
13. I love kids; I can't get off my hands from them.
14. I am not a pet person.
15. I like watching 'Comedy Nights with Kapil' and can laugh for full episode.
16. Often I need to call from friend's cell to trace my phone.
17. I am forgetful :( I am expert in misplacing things.
18. I am not a romantic person but I believe in true love.
19. I am a dreamer and often love a moment myself.
20. I can never sing a song in tune with correct lyrics. I literally murder good songs.

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